
Kailun LI Partner
Banking and Finance | Family Law and Wealth Management Regulatory and Compliance
+86 10 5650 0957 kailun.li@cqviz.com Beijing

Kailun Li is a partner in Beijing Office of Merits & Tree Law Offices.


Mr. Li provides legal services for various types of trust projects, financial technology projects, private equity investment fund projects, asset securitization projects and other asset management business. He has rich experience in transaction structure design, compliance review, legal text drafting, legal opinion issuance, risk disposal and risk mitigation.


Mr. Li has advised many trust companies, securities companies and their subsidiaries, private equity fund managers, and wealth management subsidiaries of banks in the areas of compliance management, financial technology application, real estate investment, financing and risk relief, supply chain finance, consumer finance, wealth management and allocation as well as biodiversity conservation, etc. Mr. Li is an expert in dealing with transactions with complex background and a number of regulatory compliance requirements. He is also able to provide practical advice to his clients in cutting-edge financial innovation business.

  • He has provided special legal services for many trust companies, securities companies and their subsidiaries, wealth management subsidiaries of banks, insurance funds and other institutional clients with the background of state-owned enterprises, covering many areas such as structured financing, investment and finance, technology finance and data compliance, financial innovation business, etc. The trust products in which the legal service he provided has exceeded the scale of RMB 100 billion;
  • He has provided legal services for consumption trust, service trust and innovative financial products of many trust companies;
  • He has provided whole-process legal services for the first asset securitization project of intangible assets in Central China;
  • He has provided legal services for the first asset securitization project of micro loans under the entrustment agency mode in China;
  • He has provided legal services for the first real estate investment wealth management financial product of a famous wealth management subsidiary of bank;
  • He has assisted the client in setting up the first biodiversity-themed charitable trust project in China, which has been awarded the Deal of the year of 2021 in China Business Law Journal;
  • He participated in the disposal of project risks and the resolution of difficulties on behalf of the trust company and fund manager in a series of real estate business risks solved by the trust company, real estate fund or insurance fund; while the scale of the business exceeds tens of billions RMB;
  • He has provided full-process legal services for several special projects of insurance real estate Investment Funds;
  • He participated in several financial technology and asset allocation service projects, and provided legal services for APPs or related electronic financial products of many financial institutions.
  • 2023-2025 The Legal 500 Private Wealth - Recommended Lawyer
  • 2025 The Legal 500 Banking and Finance - Recommended Lawyer
  • 2020-2024 LEGALBAND Top Ranked Lawyers - Securitisation & Derivatives
  • 2022 LEGALBAND Client Choice: Top 15 Rising Partners
  • First biodiversity-themed charitable trust, awarded as a Deal of the Year of 2021 by CBLJ
Social Positions

Deputy Secretary-General of the Legal Professional Committee on Digital Economy and Artificial Intelligence of the 12th Beijing Lawyers Association (BLA) .

  • LL.M., Xiamen University
  • LL.M., Duke University


Chinese  English

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